We are pleased to present some of our most significant works
Public institutions design:
- Ciolpanitownhouse;
- Body of Expert and Licensed Accountants of Romania;
- National Institute of Laser and Plasma Physics;
- Sports Association;
- Romtelecom - Alexandru Obregia;
- Focsani City Hospital;
- Adjud District General Hospital;
- Marasesti District General Hospital;
- Faculty of Automation;
- Mint State;
- U.S. Consulate;
- Consulate of Canada.
Company headquarters design:
- Spicopan;
- Blue Sprint;
- Twins;
- Panifir Prod;
- Polirom;
- Chem Anlyst;
- Prof Instal Com;
- BRD Ramnicu Valcea;
- Piraeus Bank;
- Medicare - Str. Copilului;
- Loginet;
- Flamingo Computers;
- Fundatia Hrema;
- Elcomat 2000;
- Insomnias Software.
Company headquarters design:
- Wox Film;
- Rombelt Trade;
- Gameloft;
- Adva Tour;
- Eurover Serv;
- Audit&Consulting;
- Image Consulting;
- Roneco Development;
- Sagitarius Communication;
- Duplex Interiors;
- Sapien Packaging;
- Total Media Prod;
- Monis New Production;
- Cosmopolitan Construct;
- Accent Design;
- Ro Tech Construct;
- Tubal Metalica;
- Aristocrat Events;
- Reinvent Business Concept;
- MB Inman Consult;
- Dinamica Impex;
- Aubert Com;
- Pegasus Art Construct;
- Ink Mentenance Jet;
- Future Energy Consulting;
- Ambasador Events;
- Zeal Soft;
- Transatlantic Shiping and Trading;
- Weezer Promotion;
- Popp & Asociatii;
- Volum Plan Arhitect;
- M.T.A. Sartoria Finance;
- M&C Class Construct;
- Lev Or Impex.